

Anastasia Medvedskaya


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Anastasia Medvedskaya
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Anastasia Medvedskaya joined McNair International in September 2022. Anastasia qualified as an Avocat à la Cour at the Paris Bar in 2017 following completion of two Master’s Degrees in International Trade & Business Law and Litigation, Arbitration & Alternative Dispute Resolution at the University of Paris Nanterre la Défense and Panthéon-Assas Paris II, as well as the Directed Studies program at The Hague Academy of International Law. She then trained and worked in the international arbitration departments of several leading international and domestic law firms, before working for two years as a Senior Quantum Consultant (International Arbitration) at the Paris office of Ernst & Young. Anastasia then joined an international arbitration practice where in addition to her involvement in Investment Treaty disputes for States as well as investors, she has also been involved in matters before the European Court of Human Rights and the International Court of Justice.


  • International Arbitration
  • Public International Law
  • Commercial Litigation


  • Law Master’s Degree in International Trade and Business Law – University of Paris (Nanterre la Défense)
  • Law Master’s Degree in Litigation, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution – University of Paris (Panthéon-Assas Paris II)
  • Postgraduate Diploma “International Economic Law in Africa” – University of Paris (Panthéon-Assas Paris II)
  • Directed Studies in Public International Law – Hague Academy of International Law
  • Kaplan School – Qualified Lawyer Transfer Scheme candidate (QLTS, MCT passed, SQE 2 scheduled for November 2022 )

Membership and Appointments

  • French-Qualified Lawyer (Paris Bar) (2016-2017)



  • London vs Singapore: A (false) struggle for the title of world’s leading seat of arbitration”, (Jus Mundi Blog Post, 2021) (available at: https://blog.jusmundi.com/london-vs-singapore-a-false-struggle-for-the-title-of-worlds-leading-seat-of-arbitration/
  • Beyond High Hopes and Dark Fears: Towards a Deflationary View of Soft Law in International Arbitration” (with Dr. Daniel Greineder) (ASA Bulletin, 2020) 
  • The Doctrine of Veil Piercing in Investment Law”, (Jus Mundi Wiki Note, 2020) (available at: https://jusmundi.com/en/document/wiki/en-corporate-veil-piercing
  • Enforcement mechanism under the TTIP Investment Court System, an appropriate tool for enforcing awards in third States?” (Revista del Club Español dek Arbitraje, 2019) 
  • The Sapin 2 law: France’s new vessel in the treacherous waters of enforcement immunity” (with Paul-Raphael Shehadeh) (Journal of the Russian Arbitration Association, 2019) 
  • La securisation des investissements et les populations autochtones en Afrique: de la fragmentation à la synthèse?” (with Dr. Etienne Marque) (Recueil Penant, Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Africain, Juris Africa, 2018)
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