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We provide an overview of the default position as to the right to an oral hearing, with explanations on the relevant statutes and rules, and information on video hea...
3 April 2020
Civil procedureCommercial arbitrationCommercial litigationInternational arbitration
We consider the judgment of the English Court of Appeal which confirmed the Courts' power to take witness evidence in support of foreign arbitrations....
29 March 2020
Commercial arbitrationInternational arbitration
23 October 2019
Commercial arbitration
2 September 2019
International arbitrationCommercial arbitration
28 August 2019
SanctionsEuropean lawInternational arbitration
5 August 2019
Civil procedurePublic international lawState immunity
20 May 2019
Commercial litigationCommercial lawEnglish law
7 May 2019
Commercial arbitrationCommercial litigationInternational arbitration